Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Who's knowledgeable, literate, powerful

KNOWLEDGEABLE- My favorite first cousin Tierra La'chelle Brown is knowledgeable in many ways she is so smart it just makes me feel so left out like DUMB because its like she knows everything off the told of her head. I wish she was still here so that I can get all the help I need from her but she is doing something with her life going too school at CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY, too be an Lawyer she has a lot of degrees in many differnet things and she is only twenty years of age, I love her dearly like she was one of my big sister If I need an answer to anything or any advice I can call on her when ever I needed too. If she knew what my grades was looking like right about now "OH MY" she would go off on me so bad that it'll make me want too shead a tear.

LITERATE- Ms. Daulke teacher literacy is the Deliberate intention use of symbolic material too prectice in representational and communicative events. Taking information from text, mode, audio, video, such as numbers, games or listening to others while they speak, the ablity to read learn.
able to read and write.
having or showing knowledge of literature, writing, etc.; literary; well-read.
characterized by skill, lucidity, polish
having knowledge or skill in a specified field: literate in the computer usage.
having an education; educated
POWERFUL- Who is powerful I am because I can tell my brothers and sisters what too do because I am the eldest and they got to listen too me and respect what I say and do. GOD is really powerful and many different ways because he suffered his life for everyone there for no one in this world is perfect and never will be because they couldnt do the things that GOD has done for us. But Parents and Teachers Supervisors and many more have the right and the power to tell the students and employees what too do and what not too do.
Here's some definition I found.
having or exerting great power or force.
physically strong, as a person: a large, powerful athlete.
producing great physical effects, as a machine or a blow.
potent; efficacious: a powerful drug.
having great effectiveness, as a speech, speaker, description, reason

1 comment:

  1. I like your definitions way better than the dictionary ones.
