My different ways of learning is...basically If I study something and see something more than one time then I'll remember it by heart because its something I see over and over again. I can remember faces but not names if they not around me, I can remember songs without hearing them if I listened too them more than once, sometimes I got to think awhile before I understand lecture. Sketching things can make me understand more an drawing. If I see it and write it down I'll remember without going back and look such s taking notes making flashcards or making a song out of my homework to help me remember . Annotating
things and circling and highlighting things also help a lot of people learn. But some people have a lot of different ways too learn suxh as just listening too something they'll get it right then and there they dont't need too the overhead projector or a book too take there's notes. I have also learned from my mistakes at I've done in the pass such as not taking notes reading my book or pay attention when the teacher is trying to explain too me whats going on and what I need too study for, but its like it never fails because I find myself doing the same mistakes when I get lazy I dont' want to do nothing or when Im irritated I just be like now I'm not doing this then I get to thinking in he long run well maybe i should of did that because if you do what you suppose to do it pays off and you'll have nothing too worry about it later on in life or whenever. My boyfriend and family and teacher always tell me not too give up keep going because they know im smarter than what I am I just don't apply my self how im suppose too.
Wow. I love this post. It's important to know so much about yourself.