Thursday, September 15, 2011

I am

I am....
I am beautiful in every different way
I am a strong person
I am smart
I am a visual learner
I am goofy at times
I am mean at times
I am a person who has high standards
I am the type that'll tell you the truth all the time
I am my own women
I am a young adult
I am someone who you can't run over
I am someone favorite student
I am in love with JORDANS/SPERRY/POLO'S
I am a red head now lol
I am a outgoing person
I am outstanding/outspoken
I am important
I am powerful
I am the definition of real
I am not a failure
I am going to make it far far in life because these are my goals
I am not a fan of reading
I am my families keeper

1 comment:

  1. I think my favorite line is your last, "I am my families keeper." That's a powerful thing to be.
