My Love & I On His Birthday |
Before I got to know him I was affraid too even hold a conversation with him, but eventually I got to talking to him on MYSPACE and then the phone. We got to talking more and more as time went by took step by step one day he came over too my house too meet my mother and siblings , they were so happy that I had finally got a boyfriend but I felt that was to youg because I was only in the seventh grade we started to spend more time together and he asked me to be his girlfriend one day but I was so shy I didn't know what to say I blushing because i really liked him I felt that we had a lot in common and that he can understand me a lot eveytime I was sad he made me happy if I was having a bad day he made it exciting he cheered me up when I was sad and down. He just bring joy to my life, not only is he there for me when I need him but he gives me the best advice such as family/friends and school advice if things aren't going the way that I've except them to be he just say JASMINE everythings going to be okay don'tlet that petty stuff bring you down baby your stronger than that. Everytime we go out like in public everyone always say your yall related we look at eachother and laugh and say NO everybody thinks that because they say we look a like but I don't see it at all, most people say you know if you have been with a person for a long period of time then you start too look alike but he i do't care because I love him and he's my everything and I'll never let him go I believe we'll be some famous couple in life that people would look up too in the long run. I plan on being a Register Nurse and he's going to be a Rapper, with a big house and three beautiful intellgent respectful/responsible kids with nice cars.
Dang, you sound like a young woman who knows what you want!